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Featured Analog Photographer: Crystal Lee

Posted on May 1st, 2015

This is the launch of a new feature on Grainy Day Collective. We will be from time to time featuring the work of other film photographers along with a brief interview to find out a little about the person behind the images.

If you would like to be featured then please go to our “Submit” section.


Where are you from?

How and when did you start doing photography?
I’ve been taking photos for fun with disposables since I was 14. Only up till about 2 years ago when my boyfriend bought me my own Olympus OM-2 and Mju II that I began taking photos more frequently.

What inspires your photography?
Light, nature, people I love, old foreign films, books

Why do you still shoot film?
I love that I’ll never know what will come out, and also, because the photos are forever.

Who are your favourite photographers?
Robert Mapplethorpe, Vivian Maier, Margaret Watkins, & Lina Scheynius.

What are your favourite camera’s to shoot with?
Both the Olympus OM-2 and Olympus Mju 2.

What is your favourite film to work with?
Ilford hp5

See more of Crystals work here

